In Memory of






Condolence From: Mark Versland and family
Condolence: We are all only passing through on this earth and your mother is now with God. Because of the lives she touched while here, many more will be joining her one day. She was truely a Godly woman and servant of Jesus Christ.
Sunday November 01, 2015
Condolence From: Kathie Keyes Bell
Condolence: Although it's been many years since I've seen Elsie, her smiles and contageous laughter will always be part of my childhood memories when our families got together. I so admire the lifelong friendship my mother had with Elsie, and always enjoyed hearing their stories. Our mothers' memories and the love they had for their families and each other will continue to bless all of us who knew them. My love goes out to you all! ~Kathie
Friday October 30, 2015
Condolence From: Wayne Keyes & Family
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Rambo family at the passing of Elsie. We have such great memories of our families getting together bound by the wonderful childhood friendship between Elsie and my mom, Bernadine. We are so grateful their friendship endured throughout their entire lives, and is continuing into the next generation. Much love to all of you. Wayne Keyes
Friday October 30, 2015
Condolence From: Williams Family
Condolence: I read the obituary about the loss of your loved one and I extend my sincere condolences. At this time you are feeling an unbearable pain, and experiencing a great loss. Psalms 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a help that is readily found in times of distress.” He lovingly cares for you and does not want you to handle this time alone and he wants you to pray to him. (1Peter 5:7) He will help you get through this difficult time. (Isaiah 41:10) I hope this brief Bible message has brought you a measure of comfort in this difficult time.
Thursday October 29, 2015